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September 2023 Updates

This month's product updates include: explainability, saved views, Segment Source integration, teams and a revamped filters

Upollo Team
Upollo Team
September 2023 Updates

Depending where you are in the world, summer might be ending or just beginning. Here at Upollo, things are just heating up. We’re thrilled to launch some new features to enhance your experience and make Upollo an even more powerful platform for your growth journey. Have a look and our latest and greatest:

Explainability: The 'Why' Behind Our Insights

Meet Explainability – uncover the 'why' behind our insights. Now, you can dive deep into what makes your users tick, understanding why they're ready to convert or churn from your trial. With Explainability, you'll master what works like magic and what doesn't. It's the key to more informed decisions and more productive conversations with your users. Some example use cases:

  • Go into a conversation knowing what a user likes to do in your app, as well as what they don’t.
  • Tailor your campaigns to ensure users take the actions with the most impact
  • Figure out which product changes to prioritize in order to increase conversion rates
Explainability: A list of reasons behind Upollo Insights

Leverage Our Insights In Your Marketing Campaigns, in Real Time

We’ve enabled real-time insights usage in your marketing campaigns by connecting with Segment Source. Our platform now seamlessly integrates with your connected marketing apps, empowering you to fine-tune your campaigns in real-time. Target those who need a nudge to convert and those ready to move from free to paid, optimizing your costs effectively.

Upollo's Segment Source integration

Teams: Understand How Your Users Are Collaborating

Discover an all-new feature within Upollo that provides a holistic view of the teams operating within your app, as well as the people inside each team. We’ll be expanding on this in the future and we would love your feedback.

Teams in Upollo

Revamped Filters: A Fresh Look and Feel

Our filters have received a sleek makeover, making the process of pinpointing the data you need even more intuitive. With a fresh look and feel, you can navigate your data effortlessly, saving time while uncovering valuable insights.

Filters in Upollo: Searching for an Industry and Company Size

Saved Views: Your Personalized Data Hub

Say hello to Saved Views. This feature allows you to combine one or more filters into a personalized Saved View. The best part? The filtered results within your Saved Views will update automatically.

Saved views in Upollo

As always, we’re here to help you convert, retain, expand and understand your users and help you grow more efficiently. Stay tuned for more exciting features and insights in the coming weeks. We're committed to helping you grow smarter, and we're just getting started.

Read the Report: Upollo SOC 2 Type 1
PDF • 2.4mb

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Upollo Team
Upollo Team

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