In Beta

Expand Accounts, Faster.

Get more users while growing your NDR at the same time. Discover the biggest and most likely opportunities while knowing who to talk to, why to talk to them, and how to get them to upgrade. 

Helping Businesses Grow Smarter

Find Expansion Opportunities by Likelihood and Size

We assess companies for expansion potential, evaluating both the likelihood of growth and the ratio of total employees to your current user base.

Expand within a Department or Location

Ever wanted to know how many people you have onboard out of the entire Marketing department? Looking to expand into a specific geographic region? We’ve got a breakdown for that, for every company.

Know Exactly Who to Talk to

For every company, we’ll give you a curated list of:

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Current users with commercial purchasing power
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Which users are Champions, staunch advocates of your product
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Previous customers who have changed jobs to another company that fits your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile)

We also identify people who aren’t yet users, offering even more expansion opportunities. 

Pinpoint the “Why” behind Every Opportunity

Approach every customer conversation with full context. Is account sharing indicating readiness for team expansion? Discover feature usage patterns (e.g. Sharing, Collaborating) that can hint at team expansion. Gain the insights needed to initiate meaningful conversations.

Get Started for Free

Start understanding and upselling your customers today.