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August 2024 Updates

A massive company milestone, new workflows for CSMs using HubSpot, and SaaStr 2024

Josh Pindjak
Josh Pindjak
Senior Product Designer
August 2024 Updates

Welcome to our August update. We’ve been hard at working adding new integrations and improvements to Upollo. We’re also excited to share a significant milestone with you!

New Milestone: 50M+ Users & $0.5B+ in Transactions Analyzed!

We've hit a massive milestone! Upollo has now analyzed over 50 million users and half a billion US dollars in transactions. Our mission is to bring internet scale insights to every subscription business and we are so excited that the more business we help grow, the more accurate and comprehensive our insights can be. Thank you to all our customers who have put their trust in us!

Upollo UI showing a Stripe Integration with a mouse hovering over

New Integrations: and OpenPay

Our new enables automated marketing workflows – use Upollo Churn and Conversion scores to send marketing campaigns with pinpoint accuracy.

Leverage your data from Openpay to get even better churn scores, conversion likelihood, and more. Both integrations are no code, get set up in just a few minutes.

Upollo UI showing which users are affiliated with a given company

New Play: Churn Scores & CSM Workflows for Hubspot

We wrote a guide that our most successful customers have used to automate the most critical retention tasks for the right CSM at the right time – all right inside HubSpot, powered by Upollo churn scores.

Pro Tip: Upollo Churn and Conversion scores can be used to create personalized marketing campaigns, winback campaigns, and more.

Read HubSpot + Upollo Guide


We’re Headed to SaaStr in SF!

Our Founder and CEO, Cayden Meyer will be traveling to San Francisco for SaaStr. Reach out if you’ll be in town and want to meet up!

Connect with Cayden

SaaStr 2024: September 10-12th in SF Bay Area

Read the Report: Upollo SOC 2 Type 1
PDF • 2.4mb

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About the Author
Josh Pindjak
Josh Pindjak
Senior Product Designer

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